About me
I am a tenure-track professor at TU München. I am interested in the intersection of mathematical physics and algebraic topology, more precisely in the mathematical study of field theories using methods from homotopy theory. My research is concerned with several questions in the realm of functorial extended field theories and higher structures using tools like factorization algebras/factorization homology and derived symplectic geometry. I am also interested in the required higher categorical foundations for using homotopy theory in the study of field theories.
Our new SFB/CRC 1624 Higher Structures, moduli spaces and integrability was granted!Activities
The SFB/CRC 1085 Higher Invariants was prolonged for the third funding period 2022-2025. I am a PI in 2 projects. I am a coorganizer of a conference on Functorial Field Theories in August 2023.
I am a PI in the Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries. I am a coorganizer of next summer's conference and summer school in SwissMap Research Station in Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
We are running a regional, but virtual, joint research seminar on Higher Structures & Field Theory Seminar.
Our research group
I currently have 2 PhD students (Eilind Karlsson, Anja Švraka) and 2 postdocs (Pelle Steffens, Tashi Walde). Yang Yang will join our group in early 2024.How to get in touch?
scheimbauer AT tum.de
office 02.12.040
Technische Universität München
Zentrum Mathematik
Bolzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching